bangla যেভাবে নিজে নিজে এরেঞ্জ করে ফ্যামিলি নিয়ে সাত মাসের বাচ্চা সহ ওমরা করলাম প্রথমেই বলে নেই। এই পোস্টে ধর্মীয় অংশটা বাদ রেখেছি ইচ্ছা করে। ওমরা করার নিয়ম, আদব এগুলো শিখা
english How to conduct Coding interviews I've taken and given a lot of interviews. I had been part of recruitment processes in many organisation. That allowed me to observe the overall hiring process from both side of the table.
webrtc Recording webRTC Videos. Methods I tried, Lessons I learned. I had the opportunity to work on many excellent projects. Every project comes with their unique challenges. One of those projects was a video calling application. It was a great learning experience, a
বৈজ্ঞানিক কল্পকাহিনী: সিম্বি মগের প্রিন্টটা উঠে যাচ্ছে। ২০৩৬ সালের বায়োটেক কনফারেন্সের কুচকুচে কালো কফি মগটা ডক্টর রাশে
sms SMS OTP verification without using a database I have created many web applications that uses OTP verification via SMS. It works by sending a 4 to 6 digit number to the user's phone number via SMS. And the user has
webrtc The curious world of web RTC (Part 2: Servers) This is part 2 of my series on webRTC.Read Part 1 here: The curious world of web RTC (Part 1: Introduction)Let's talk servers. Of all the webRTC articles I read, all
english The curious world of web RTC (Part 1: Introduction) This is part 1 of my WebRTC series: Read Part 2 here: The curious world of web RTC (Part 2: Servers)I believed webRTC is one of the coolest things that happened to
bangla ভারতের চেন্নাই ভ্রমন ,আমার অভিজ্ঞতা ও ফটোব্লগ আমার প্রথমবার ভারত যাওয়া হয়েছে ২০১৯ সালের ফেব্রুয়ারীতে। ব্লগ লেখার দিন থেকে খুব বেশী
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english How I solved an interesting Scaling problem. One of my younger brothers and friend joined a new company. The brand was old, but they restarted their operation, So they were still hiring people. They did not have a technology team
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css CSS স্ক্রল স্ন্যাপ। জাভাস্ক্রিপ্ট ছাড়াই স্ক্রল নিয়ন্ত্রন করা যখন সি এস এস ৩ প্রথম ড্রাফ্ট হয় আর মেজর ব্রাউজারেরা এর কিছু কিছু ফিচার ইমপ্লিমেন্ট করা
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opinion The Era of Software Discrimination When I was a child, out of the few things I remember studying in the "Computer Shikkha" (Computer studies) book was Moore's law. Many people explain this law differently, the version I knew
JavaScript How I created code sharing feature in my application without using a server I have a very small repl-ish JavaScript code demonstration platform I call EvilEval, I usually make screencasts on JavaScript and use this tool to demonstrate basic JavaScript. The project is hosted with Github
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review Mac OS Mojave is a good one Mac OS Mojave was released a few hours ago. People are usually very skeptical about Mac updated. I still meet good people who use older versions of this OS in their newer hardware
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satire কিভাবে আমার লিনাক্সের কোর্স বিনামূল্যে পেতে পারেন কয়দিন আগেই আমার ভালো বন্ধু আর ভাই সুমনের Lets Learn Coding থেকে আমার একটা নতুন অনলাইন কোর্স এনাউন্
review I started using iPhone X, doesn't feel half as bad as I expected. This post is still a work in progress.There's a common trend that If you use Android, you must hate iPhones; or otherwise. Many people follow it as if it was one of
diy Buying a washing machine in South Asia During my student life, I had to live alone. I used to buy a couple of T-Shirts, wear them till they were dirty and un-wearable. Then buy a new batch. I guess that's
ghost Upgrading Self-Hosted Dockerized Ghost Blog to Ghost V2 Previously I wrote about how I moved my old blog from Drupal to Ghost, and lived happily ever after.If you don't wanna read it, tl;dr: my blog now runs off a
diy One month after upgrading from a conventional Air Conditioner to Inverter Air Conditioner.Was it worth the extra money? I wrote a blog about the problem I had with my new Air conditioner, I finally had to return that model and opt-in for a conventional AC (for my other bed room).Meanwhile,
JavaScript Progressive web apps with create-react-app. And my experience. If you start learning react now (mid 2018), there's a good chance that you'll start with the famous tool create-react-app , the tool became a de-factor standard for creating react application without configuring any
css The brave new world of CSS variables (Custom Properties) I tend to avoid preprocessors or transpilers when it comes to coding for the front end. Something about them just don't feel right. But when it comes to managing CSS, I too get